Oil Services

oil services

Your car is a huge investment, so it’s important to keep it running smoothly with regular oil services. From changing the filter to adding new, clean oil, RB Auto Service has the experts who are happy to service your Corvette or Cadillac. We understand the importance of regular preventative maintenance, and we know about the manufacturer recommendations so we can ensure that your vehicle is working to its maximum capacity with our Corvette & Cadillac oil change service.

The Importance of Oil

Your engine needs oil to run smoothly since it lubricates all of the moving parts and keeps them from rubbing together. Not only does the oil protect all the moving parts in your engine, but it also helps to keep the engine cool. Over time, as the oil circulates, it can accumulate a buildup of debris, dirt, and grime. When this happens, the oil can no longer protect your engine as it should. This is why getting regular oil changes is so important to protect your engine from damage or overheating. Clean oil can remedy this problem.

Don’t Skip Your Oil Services

If you skip an oil change and wait too long, your engine will begin to run rough and develop a myriad of serious problems. Overheating is the most common problem related to late or skipped oil changes. Missing an oil change will also affect the ability of your engine to run efficiently and could even cause some components to become warped or worn out, costing you a lot more money in repairs. Dirty oil reduces the lubrication your engine needs to operate smoothly. In time, the engine could completely be shut down and need to be replaced altogether, which can cost you in the thousands.

Get Regular Oil Services for Best Results

Whether it’s your beloved Corvette or your classic Cadillac, it’s important to bring it in for regular oil and filter changes. This service is inexpensive and quick, and it can save you a whole lot of potential money, time, and heartache. We understand how important it is to practice good preventative maintenance, and our expert team will give you a recommended schedule based on your unique make and model. With routine oil services, your vehicle will remain in top condition and run as good as new.

For an oil and filter change or other services, visit RB Auto Service in Pinellas Park, FL or give us a call at 727-430-8750 to schedule your Corvette & Cadillac oil change appointment today!

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